Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How to make money as a blogger?

As a blogger, you can make money while writing on your blog. Is is an easy way to make money by doing what you like to do. Here is the ways that you can make money as a blogger:
1. Google adense. You may have heard about adsense my times, but there is still many things you should know about adsense. After you sign up on adsense, adsense will do the rest of the job. Adsense recommends the ads that match your content. The adds will be shown on your blog's sidebars. When someone click on the ads on your blog, the revenue of your adense earning will increase. Web traffic is important to increase adsense earning. The more traffic you gets, the more earning you will receive.
2. Affiliate marketing. This is also one of the most discussed topics about making money as a blogger. Simply says, affiliate marketing means you will receive revenue by putting ads of a company that offers affiliate marketing. But it works different that adsense. When someone buys a product through the add on your blog, you will get paid by the percentage of your share of the affiliate product. For example, when a person buys a CD through the ad of amazon product on your blog, you will get paid 10% of the price of the CD, which means $1. There are many affiliate marketing programs you can use.
3. Sell a product or a service. You can sell a product or a service through your blog. It may be your e-book or online course. For instance, if you are a skilled math teacher, you can make video lessons about math and sell it through your blog. Or you can write a math book and sell it.

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